Other News

Matt Garman, CEO of AWS, discusses AI Creation, Open Source Contributions, and Service Shut Down – An Insight into Advanced Technology

Adam Selipsky’s decision to relinquish his role as the chief executive officer of Amazon’s AWS cloud computing sector was an unexpected development. However, an equally surprising development was the appointment of Matt Garman as his successor. Garman, who started his career at Amazon as an intern in 2005 and took […]

ChatGPT introduces a significant revamp featuring the novel ‘Canvas’ interface, specifically designed for authors and programmers.

OpenAI is set to revamp the ChatGPT interface, transforming it into a digital workspace for projects. This groundbreaking change was announced by OpenAI on Thursday, introducing a beta “canvas” feature for writing and coding tasks. Unlike the conventional chatbox interface which can make idea development and refinement cumbersome, Canvas provides […]