Title: “Closure of Key British Columbia Highway Following Mudslide” In a recent turn of events, the Sea to Sky Highway in British Columbia, a critical route connecting Vancouver and Whistler, has been shut down in both directions. This closure is due to a mudslide that occurred near Lions Bay, causing […]
Enduring Issue: Hamilton Grapples with Crime as Police Execute Prominent Arrests
Hamilton law enforcement efforts have been intensifying to combat criminal activities, leading to the closure of a tunnel system, a drug den, and an open-air drug market. However, these actions are also highlighting the dire circumstances faced by the most vulnerable individuals in society. Inspector Jim Callender from Hamilton police […]
Royal Rumble: Buckingham Palace Employee Detained for Inebriated Altercation at Holiday Festivity – International
An event intended to be a casual gathering for employees of Buckingham Palace took an unexpected turn into a tumultuous situation this week, with a palace maid reportedly being taken into custody due to her involvement in what has been characterized as a “bar fracas.” The Metropolitan Police of London […]
Draisaitl spearheads NHL scoring while propelling Oilers’ surge across the entire ice – Edmonton
The Edmonton Oilers showcased their prowess on the ice during their recent match against Minnesota, scoring within seconds of their first power play. This swift move saw a well-executed pass from Connor McDavid to his fellow teammate Leon Draisaitl, resulting in a classic one-timer that slipped past Wild’s goaltender Filip […]
SCO Announces Indefinite Leave of Grand Chief Jerry Daniels in Winnipeg
The Southern Chiefs Organization (SCO) has announced that Grand Chief Jerry Daniels has taken a leave of absence for an unspecified duration due to health issues. Daniels, who was recently re-elected for a third term, had to be hospitalized after an incident that occurred in Ottawa during the special chiefs’ […]
Support Withdrawn by B.C. Police Chiefs on Decriminalization as it Fails to Deliver Results.
On Wednesday, in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver at the junction of Pender and Main streets, Andrew Auld and his companion were found using drugs on the sidewalk. Robyn, who chose not to reveal her surname, shared her perspective with Global News, stating her belief that public drug use should […]
“City of Winnipeg Announces Imminent Tax Hikes to Boost Revenue” – Winnipeg officials have made it clear that an increase in taxes is on the horizon, as the city seeks to generate more income.
The City of Winnipeg has proposed a near six per cent increase in property taxes in its preliminary 2025 budget, sparking criticism since its revelation last week. However, Mayor Scott Gillingham assured that the estimated increase of around $10 a month for the average homeowner would still make Winnipeg the […]
Ex-Staffer of Just for Laughs Recounts Alleged 1987 Attack by Gilbert Rozon in Montreal
The article was originally authored by The Canadian Press staff and published on December 10, 2024. The civil trial involving Gilbert Rozon, the ex-founder of the renowned comedy festival Just for Laughs, is currently underway. On Tuesday, a second individual accusing him of sexual assault took the stand. The accuser, […]
Raptors’ injury struggles worsen as Barnes rejoins the injured list following defeat
The Toronto Raptors continue to be plagued by a series of injuries. All-star forward, Scottie Barnes, was the latest casualty, spraining his right ankle during the Raptors’ match against the New York Knicks. This unfortunate incident took place in the third quarter of the game, which ended with the Raptors […]
Legislation by Ford to disassemble homeless settlements will not be approved until the following year
The proposed legislation by the Ford administration to dismantle homeless camps in city centers and strengthen police authority over public drug use isn’t expected to be tabled until the week’s end. The law isn’t anticipated to come into effect until some point in the new year. Ontario Premier Doug Ford […]