
2024 Prime Major Discount Days: Television Offers from Sony, Samsung, LG, and Others

Amazon’s Prime Big Deal Days have officially begun, with a wide range of enticing discounts on televisions. We’ve been monitoring the early offers, and surprisingly, most are still available. In addition, we’ve discovered numerous deals from competing retailers. We’ve compiled them all here to make your shopping experience more straightforward […]

Uber is set to unveil an AI assistant powered by OpenAI to address queries about electric vehicles from drivers

As part of its commitment to promoting electric vehicles (EVs) in ride-hailing and delivery services, Uber intends to introduce an AI-powered assistant to address driver queries about EVs. This initiative, scheduled to roll out in early 2025 in the U.S., will be backed by OpenAI’s GPT-4o technology. Initially, the virtual […]

Avoiding Fraudulent Activities on Freelancing Websites: An SEO-Rich Guide for Optimal RankMath Scores

In the current era, where traditional employment seems to be slowly fading away, along with the associated rights and responsibilities, there is a growing trend of professionals turning towards the freelance world. However, finding fair and just work with equivalent pay on freelance job platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, or […]

Matt Garman, CEO of AWS, discusses AI Creation, Open Source Contributions, and Service Shut Down – An Insight into Advanced Technology

Adam Selipsky’s decision to relinquish his role as the chief executive officer of Amazon’s AWS cloud computing sector was an unexpected development. However, an equally surprising development was the appointment of Matt Garman as his successor. Garman, who started his career at Amazon as an intern in 2005 and took […]

ChatGPT introduces a significant revamp featuring the novel ‘Canvas’ interface, specifically designed for authors and programmers.

OpenAI is set to revamp the ChatGPT interface, transforming it into a digital workspace for projects. This groundbreaking change was announced by OpenAI on Thursday, introducing a beta “canvas” feature for writing and coding tasks. Unlike the conventional chatbox interface which can make idea development and refinement cumbersome, Canvas provides […]