Title: Renowned Businessman Robert Miller Challenged by Proposed Class-Action Lawsuit In a recent development, Robert Miller, a prominent name in Quebec’s electronics industry, is facing a proposed class-action lawsuit. His counsel, Karim Renno, has insisted that his client requires knowledge of his accusers’ identities to build a robust defense. Miller, […]
Author: Lynda Austin
Thousands Displaced as Military Operations Intensify in Myanmar’s Sagaing Region
Title: Myanmar’s Military Embarks on Operation to Drive Out Pro-Democracy Activists Myanmar’s armed forces have initiated a campaign to dislodge pro-democracy rebels from a disputed central territory, causing nearly 10,000 locals to seek safety, according to residents and a humanitarian aid worker on Thursday. Despite significant losses suffered by the […]
Canadian Trooper Succumbs to Health Issues in Belgium – Nationwide
Title: Tragic Loss of a Canadian Soldier Deployed to Europe Written by the team, sourced from The Canadian Press and released on November 28, 2024. In a sad turn of events, the Canadian military fraternity mourns the loss of one of their own, Lt.-Col. Kent Miller, who was stationed in […]
Top Amazon Black Friday Offers: Pre-sale Discounts on Kindle, Air Fryers, and Robotic Vacuum Cleaners
News Update: Nov. 28, 2024, 5:00 a.m. EST – Amazon’s Black Friday extravaganza was officially launched on Thursday, Nov. 21. This article provides an updated review of the sale duration and introduces new bargains on Instant Pots, Dyson and Shark beauty tech gadgets, and additional markdowns on already discounted items […]
Why ETFs are the Driving Force Behind the Expansion of Active Management
Actively managed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are gaining popularity among investors as a preferred choice over active mutual funds. Data from Morningstar shows a significant shift, with around $2.2 trillion being withdrawn from active mutual funds between 2019 and October 2024, while approximately $603 billion was invested into active ETFs during […]
Celsius Network to Allocate an Extra $127M from ‘Legal Settlement Fund’
The troubled cryptocurrency lending platform’s estate has declared a subsequent disbursement of $127 million to its creditors. Despite this, a portion of the creditors remains dissatisfied with the outcome.
EU’s fraud investigators permitted to conduct in-house probes by the European Parliament – POLITICO
An accord has been finalized, simplifying the process for the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) to gain entry into the Parliament’s facilities, request the waiver of immunity for members and employees, and access documents pertinent to investigations. This pact, inked on a recent Wednesday, follows closely on the heels of […]
Vancouver City Council Decides to Uphold Ban on Natural Gas Heating for Newly Constructed Residences – British Columbia
The City of Vancouver’s decision to overturn the ban on using natural gas to heat new homes and provide hot water has hit a roadblock. The proposed amendment met with an even 5-5 vote during the council meeting on Wednesday, thus failing to pass. The proposed change had aimed at […]
For the first time, the PLA Navy deploys female personnel on Nansha Islands
The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China has recently deployed 10 female servicemen to the garrison that safeguards the Nansha Islands in the South China Sea, as per the official statement by the PLA Navy. The first all-women team from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to become a part of […]
In 2024, Ofcom reports that UK adults significantly increased their online presence, with an additional hour spent on the internet.
The Online Nation report by Ofcom has revealed that adults in the U.K are spending an average of 4 hours and 20 minutes online every day. The report, which analyses the digital habits of people, shows that this figure is a significant increase from the 3 hours and 41 minutes […]