Title: “Pemex’s Deer Park Refinery Operates at Reduced Level Following a Fatal Chemical Leak”
Following a lethal chemical spill at Pemex’s Deer Park oil refinery near Houston, the Mexican state-owned oil enterprise has declared that the refinery will continue functioning at a diminished capacity over the weekend. This announcement was made late Friday, days after the unfortunate incident.
The company, Pemex, is diligently probing into the circumstances leading to the deadly release of hydrogen sulfide gas last Thursday. This tragic incident resulted in the demise of two contracted workers and left 35 others injured during operations at the 312,500-barrel-per-day refinery.
On Friday, the CEO of Pemex disclosed that thirteen employees were still receiving medical attention after being exposed to the hazardous leak. Concurrently, Mexico’s energy minister was hopeful about the resumption of regular operations at the facility by the end of Friday.
However, the company retracted this expectation with a subsequent statement. Pemex stated on Friday evening, “The refinery is maintaining stable but minimal operation levels, a condition that will persist over the weekend, provided that access to the areas for thorough inspections is feasible.”
The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) has also initiated an investigation into what it has termed a “very serious incident”. The CSB is an authority that investigates industrial mishaps and advises on preventive measures for potential future occurrences.
Whether you’re an investor or simply interested in the sector, it’s crucial to stay informed about such developments in the oil industry. While our focus is not solely on investment opportunities, understanding the challenges faced by large enterprises like Pemex can provide valuable insights on the industry’s overall health and potential future trends.