Article Title: A Brave Rescue and a Tragic Fire in Canada
Article Body:
A devastating house fire in Lower Sackville, Canada, led to a brave rescue and the subsequent hospitalization of a man and three children on a chilling Saturday. The Canadian Press reported this tragic incident that took place in the early hours of the day.
The fire was reported at 3:10 a.m. from a residence on Riverside Drive. A woman, aged 37, and a toddler, aged two, were able to escape the blazing inferno. The local police confirmed that they were unharmed.
In a remarkable act of bravery, a neighbor managed to rescue a 40-year-old man trapped in the burning house. However, the man was critically injured and is currently being treated in a hospital in Halifax.
Additionally, firefighters managed to rescue three more children from the burning house. The children, aged five, six, and nine, were also taken to the hospital, although their current condition remains undisclosed.
The fire that led to this tragic incident is currently under investigation. The province’s fire marshal has been called in to determine the cause of the fire. As the investigation continues, the community is left in shock and sadness over this unfortunate incident.
In the wake of this calamity, it is a grim reminder for everyone to consider investing in safety measures to prevent such incidents in the future. However, the story’s main essence remains the bravery shown by the neighbour and firefighters, and the resilience of the community in the face of adversity.
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