With a low-pressure system moving across Alberta and causing heavy snowfall of 10-15 cm in the Edmonton area, the city has proclaimed a temporary parking prohibition on all main roads.
The initial stage of the parking ban is scheduled to be enforced from Thursday, Dec. 19, at 7 a.m. and may last for three to five days, subject to the speed of road clearing operations.
During a Phase 1 parking ban, the snow removal teams focus on arterial and collector roads, bus routes, and roads in business improvement zones, including all roads showing seasonal “no parking” signs. Parking is disallowed in these zones until the roads are fully cleared, but residents can still park on non-bus route residential streets.
Cars parked on hills along arterial roads, collector roads, and bus routes in the downtown area may receive tickets after 7 a.m. on Dec. 19.
The city’s general supervisor of infrastructure field operations with the city’s parks and roads services department, Val Dacyk, explained that due to significant snow accumulation at various locations throughout Edmonton, the Phase 1 parking ban is essential to ensure major roads are safe for all motorists.
Motorists are urged to remove parked vehicles from major roadways, bus routes, and roads designated as seasonal ‘no parking’ routes.
Once the roads are cleared, parking can resume as long as it’s normally allowed. The city advises residents to refer to the Roadways Snow Clearing Map for the current clearing status of roads. The clearing crews and equipment will operate round the clock until all Phase 1 roads are clear.
If necessary, the city may announce a Phase 2 parking ban for residential and industrial roads once the Phase 1 ban is lifted.
Heavy snowfall, with total amounts of 10 to 15 cm, is affecting much of central Alberta on Wednesday, according to Environment Canada. The snow is expected to continue intensifying across central and southern Alberta and will move eastward, tapering off by evening.